We would like to take a moment and celebrate the recent good news! The Supreme Court’s recent ruling that federal civil rights law protects LGBTQ+ employees is another step towards a future where all are treated with equal dignity and respect. This is no doubt a landmark win for equality, but we recognize that we have more work to do. As our President and COO John Stankey puts it: “Our society doesn’t work if it doesn’t work equally for all. We can and must do better.”

We hope that everyone has had opportunities to participate and celebrate in PRIDE month. Our friends at LEAGUE have a few events left this month that you are welcome to join:


Join LEAGUE as we celebrate Pride Month one last time with a live DJ, Pride memories, and messages from leadership.

Friday, June 26 7:30-9:30 PM Central – RSVP

Virtual Panel – Beyond Legendary, Becoming an Icon

Stand with us in PRIDE, TUESDAY JUNE 30TH 3:00–4:15 PM Central, as we celebrate Queer & Transgender People of Color contributions and influence on Ballroom and Pop-culture. Inspired by HBO Max’s hit new unscripted series, LEGENDARY, this virtual panel – featuring cast members from the show – and vogue demonstration will explore how the LGBTQIA Ballroom Culture emerged from underground; and how the intersectionality of ethnicity & gender-identity impacted its journey. RSVP